Revenge is sweet: 30 animals who took revenge for what they do not like (31 photos)

Category: Animals
13 December 2022

We love our pets - and we do everything to ensure that their life was happy and fulfilled, and they didn't need anything. However, even they can sometimes annoy us (or other animals) and take revenge for what what they don't like. Cats are especially good at this - but this is completely other story. Let's see what the sweet revenge of the animals looks like!

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A man kicked a homeless dog. This is how karma is back

"Our cat could not get into the toilet at night - the door was accidentally closed. He knocked over a pack of filler and did his own thing"

Turned over two flowers, demanding food

"The landlady refused to get up at 4 am to feed me. I climbed on the door, got stuck there, and started yelling at the whole house"

"The tabby cat always mocks the red one. The time for revenge has come!"

The cat got angry at the owners for being away from home for a long time - and took a bite of every bun

Here's what you can expect if you leave your dog in the car

Revenge for being accidentally locked in the bathroom

"You haven't fed me for the 45th time in a day. Here's my revenge!"

"I didn't want to get my shorts wet while bathing the cat. I took them off and threw them on the floor next to me. That's what the cat did after bathing .."

< br> "I scolded the cat for sitting on the countertop. She chose a different way"

epic attack

When Bipeds Don't Pay Attention to You

Birds also take revenge

The cat was not allowed to go outside, and he just broke the cat door

You to me, I to you!

Retribution for the fact that the owners returned home late

“I didn’t wake up at 6 in the morning to feed him. In response, I dragged and tore a pack of food”

Revenge for the fact that only a cat has a couch!

When they usually feed you at 7 in the morning, and now it's 7:02:

"Kicked her out of the restroom so she could go to the toilet properly. Here's her revenge."

"Stop playing, pet me!"

"When you forgot to give your dog all his favorite toys before leaving"

The cat attacked the automatic feeder because it did not give more food

Revenge on the cat for the stolen bed

The dog was just bored while the owner was not at home..

Cats definitely love revenge.

"I've been gone for hours"

"Because stop working"

"The cat is ignoring me because I didn't let him eat the cactus"

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