10 things on planes that passengers don't even know exist (11 photos)

Category: Aviation
10 December 2022

Experienced travelers are hard to surprise. But still there some details in airplanes that probably never attracted your attention or hidden for security purposes. Here are a few curious facts that are known only to airline employees and the most experienced passengers.

Crew lounge

The planes have small secret rooms for crew members, where they can rest during long flights. Depending on the aircraft, the lounge is located under the passenger compartment, above it or in himself.

black triangle

You may have noticed on the walls of some planes small black triangles. According to an Airbus A320 captain, they indicate the places from which the wings of the aircraft are best seen. A visual inspection may be required if pilots are in doubt about flap position and the sensors are not working. Luckily it happens very rarely.

Cooper's scapula

She appeared after the crime, when a certain D. B. Cooper stole plane, received a ransom and escaped by parachuting. Since then aircraft Boeing and Airbus are equipped with a special “Cooper paddle” mechanism, which prevents the doors from opening during flight. But even without it mechanism, only a command can open the door due to the pressure difference bodybuilders.

Wing insurance

To use the emergency stairs, passengers must walk smooth surface of the wing, and someone might fall. That's why experts placed an insurance to which they attach a rope, the ends of which go from the exit to the emergency stairs. By holding on to it, passengers can safely exit the aircraft.

Additional power unit

When a plane lands, we always hear noise, even if the engines no longer work. This noise is generated by the auxiliary power unit, which provides power to aircraft systems when the engines are turned off and serves to launch. This small power plant is very useful in bad equipped terminals where it is not possible to carry out proper Maintenance.

Environmental control system

Have you ever wondered what kind of air we breathe in airplanes? It turns out that this is the air that passes through the engine compressors, perhaps that is why there was a myth that the air in airplanes is very filthy. But you have nothing to fear: before entering the salon, he passes through the cooling and purification system, and filters retain up to 95% bacteria.

Handrails near the emergency exit

These handrails are intended primarily for flight attendants to In the event of a panic, they were not dropped to the floor or pushed out of the aircraft. holding on behind these handrails, the flight attendant can carry out the evacuation of passengers without afraid to lose balance.

Ax in the cockpit

According to the aviation legislation of many countries, the ax is included in a list of emergency tools and is stored in the cockpit behind the pilot's seat. FROM with this ax you can localize a fire, open a jammed door or make a new one: on the fuselage of each aircraft there is a marking, indicating where it is better to make an emergency exit.

Aviation Security Service

Aviation security personnel travel undercover and may calm the outraged passengers or even neutralize the terrorist.

Holes in windows

Aircraft windows consist of 3 glasses: the outer glass is able to withstand pressure drops, internal - protects against damage from the inside, and the middle has a hole that regulates the air flow. Hole helps balance the difference in pressure levels, and also prevents hfogging of glasses.

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