30 photos of how owners and pets look alike (31 photos)

Category: Animals
10 December 2022

Even scientists have already proven that pets and owners become friends. similar to another. This happens with time, but sometimes we subconsciously choose a pet similar to us - moreover, character and appearance. Let's look at a few such real life examples. BUT Do your pets look like you in some way?

They say pets look like their owners.

Well it's partly true

And there is plenty of evidence for this!

Best friends

Ladies with similar hairstyles

If you rest, then also together

Boy and cat with heterochromia (eyes of different colors)

"We were looking for a dog for our 10 year old son and found the perfect dog yesterday!"

Twins and their dogs are also almost twins

Watch TV together

More couples with heterochromia

Everyone is busy with their own business

The veterinarian found her "double"

curly comrades

Well, they are similar!

Sweet dreams

One more curls

"Sometimes it seems to me that our dog is a man in the body of a dog"

"They say that over time, dogs become like owners .."

These are the same hairstyles

When you're in the same mood

Perfect for each other

How similar is eye color

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