Without feminists and non-binary people: Elon Musk showed what the Twitter team looks like now (5 photos)

22 November 2022

The company's ranks have shrunk significantly. Someone left on his own, frightened of overtime, someone was fired for non-compliance.

If earlier the Twitter team was completely satisfied modern requirements of the American democratic society ( representatives of LGBT communities, feminists and others, others), now in only workaholics and those who really want to work with Musk. The before and after photos speak for themselves.

Feel the difference.

Musk, having become the owner of Twitter, predicted to the company's employees Hard times. He announced that he was lazy and recruited for inclusiveness. will not endure. The policy of the company will be extreme efficiency, which means the following: not ready to burn at work - wali.

According to The New York Times, citing corporate sources, many chose to quit on their own, preferring a three-month severance pay to overwork. Although Musk soon decided to slightly soften the requirements, the exodus of Twitter employees has already been don't stop.

According to Musk, only exceptional performance will be a threshold. All those who do not feel the strength meet this bar, "come on, goodbye." By the way, someone the boss completely fired him as soon as he sat down in his chair.

According to media reports, on Monday, November 21, Musk plans to continue layoffs. This time they will affect workers involved in sales and partnerships. It is said that this policy can affect the social network in the most detrimental way, because already fixed blunders in Twitter's content moderation system. And what will happen next, if there are even fewer real employees of the social network?

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