Strange eggs that animals lay (18 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 16
16 November 2022

Bacteria and other tiny cells simply split in two to multiply, however, by more complex creatures, for example, animals, other means of reproduction are needed. Yes, they hatch eggs. Animals that lay strange eggs are not only birds, but also fish and insects.


Octopuses are adorable creatures and their reproductive system just incredible. Female octopuses lay thousands of soft transparent eggs on rocks or corals. They then guard the masonry from predators until the babies hatch. Sometimes it takes so long time that octopuses start eating their own tentacles out of hunger. BUT here squids lay one egg of a jelly-like consistency, or sometimes a group of eggs. Giant squid and colossal squid also lay eggs in the same way.


These intimidating-looking insects are most often found in ponds and lakes. Also this is the place where they prefer to raise their children. The female beetle lays her eggs on plants at a slightly higher altitude. water level. And the male beetles below them, ferociously guarding their young. Sometimes the beetles come to the eggs and fetch water to keep the eggs moist. The female beetle lays about 150 eggs at a time. In some types of bedbugs males carry the eggs on their backs until they hatch. And you thought that being a human father is hard.


Lacewings are famous for their complexly shaped wings, which look like lace. The tiny insect is also unique in a way laying eggs. The female lacewing lays up to 200 tiny oblong eggs. At the same time, they remain attached to the silky stems from the front surface of the leaves. Strikingly, originally eggs green, but over time they become darker. Approximately 4 days for eggs to hatch. Goldeneyes are very important for our ecosystem, they feed on dew, nectar and pollen.

Sea Horse

The animal kingdom is a fascinating world full of unique and strange animals. The seahorse is perhaps the most unique animal when it comes to reproduction. In most animals, the female bears eggs or gives birth to young. With a seahorse, it's the other way around. Here the male carries the eggs - he hides them in a secret bag, which is in the stomach. While the male is busy carrying eggs and raising cubs after they hatch, the female is busy creating new eggs. Researchers believe that members of the family needles, to which the seahorse belongs, evolved to this breeding stages to increase their chances of survival as a whole kind. A male seahorse should be called a superdad.


We know what you're thinking. No, kiwi is not a fruit in your refrigerator. We are talking about the "honorary mammal", the kiwi bird. it a strange animal can lay an egg that is up to a quarter his body weight. It may not be the biggest egg, but proportionately, it is the largest bird egg in the world. To better to understand the size of this egg, imagine that a person gives birth to a four-year-old child. Biologists have been interested in birds throughout the past century. They, like us, are confused by how such a small bird can lay such a huge egg.

big mouth

The ocean is full of wonders. One of these wonders is the big mouth. Own He got his name for a reason. The eggs of this strange animal are in the mouth and are worn by the male. Males carry fertilized eggs in their mouths weeks. From time to time they take the eggs out of their mouths to check them, and then pushed back.


Trumpeters are one of the largest animals among gastropods. shellfish, including snails and slugs. Their oviposition process is also quite unique. Trumpeter ladies lay their eggs deep in the ocean. Twice a year. The eggs are on strings, and one end of the thread is attached to the sand. They can contain up to 40 capsules, and each capsule can contain up to 100 fertilized eggs. You little oneshatch from eggs slowly. It may take from 3 to 13 months.

Sicilian lizard

Sicilian lizards are technically amphibious but behave unusual as mammals. Some of them lay eggs some give birth to babies. This is just one strange feature of these little creatures. You won't believe how mothers feed their children. Baby lizards get their nutrients from their mothers in the same way that's what mammals do. But instead of milk, babies eat dead skin. mothers after hatching. In Sicilian lizards, which are not lay eggs, babies grow in a tube called an oviduct, and gnaw their way through the oviduct to be born.

If you thought Sicilian lizard moms go through a lot to give birth, wait until you see hoopoes.


Ant stings are very painful. Have you ever seen anthill? Know that in this little pile of earth and branches lives over half a million ants. Ants lay in large numbers eggs, which are high in protein. In some countries people around the world even eat them. The stomach of ants is full of poison, so let's hope no one bites into this poisonous snack. After all Ant venom, if swallowed, can be dangerous.

light sailboat

The bright sailboat got attention with its beautiful wings. Like its fancy wings, this butterfly's eggs are also bizarre. Strange eggs, shiny, dark green, almost invisible on the sheet. In the early stages, the larvae hatched from the egg looked like brown and white bird poop. After two or three lines the caterpillar turns green like an apple and has two false eyes green-orange-black. An exciting process.


Brightly colored ladybugs are one of the most beautiful insects. in the animal world. They lay their eggs in the same way as the light sailboat, with the only difference is that the butterfly lays its eggs on the top of the leaf, and ladybugs - on the underside. Cows feed on tiny aphids therefore, most ladybug eggs can be seen where there are more just aphids. Ladybugs usually lay their eggs in late spring - early summer, when most food. Another factor that is important in laying eggs, are weather conditions. Ladybugs need perfect temperature and clear skies.


Most birds lay their eggs on trees. If a bird migratory, then you can be sure that she has one or two trump cards in sleeve when it comes to laying eggs. Hoopoes are one of the most unique birds that migrate from northern Europe to Africa, resting while flying on the south coast of England. Some of the hoopoes instead cute chirps make strange sounds. What is most interesting about this bird is how it lays its eggs. The hoopoe lays eggs making a hole in the tree. The eggs are initially milky blue. Then, over time, they become cloudy brown.


The praying mantis is famous, or rather infamous, for its strange eating a partner after mating. The female praying mantis does this in order to produce more eggs. One female can lay up to 300 eggs per one bag. Of these, only a fifth of the nymphs will live to adulthood, which makes protecting the egg sacs important for the preservation of the next generations of strong predators. The egg carton is movable. It can move it from one place in your garden to another. young praying mantises or nymphs look almost the same as their adult counterparts, only without wings. At the moment of appearance, the nymphs are colorless, but during the first hour of life, they darken, merging with the environment, and turn green.

white stingray

White rays are one of the deepest sea creatures. These incredible animals are distant relatives of sharks and can live at a depth of 3 km below sea level. They can outperform the deep sea octopuses are patient when it comes to protecting their eggsc. the deep-sea octopus can remain on guard for up to four years, while his eggs won't hatch. But a recent discovery has shown that white rays also incubate eggs for four or more years. These deep sea creatures lay their eggs on hydrothermal vents formed in during the emergence of underwater volcanoes. Researchers believe that hot water from these sources can help speed up the egg maturation process.


Shields lay their eggs on the underside of the leaf, like God's cows, and to be honest, they are pretty nice to look at. Insects can lay up to 28 of these elliptical eggs at a time. Good the news is that stink bugs don't lay eggs in houses of people. The best time to lay eggs is in spring when temperatures air high. But do not relax, these bugs can get into your fragrant house in search of shelter in winter.


If you have ever been in a fancy five-star hotel, then you know that one of the amazing expensive dishes on the menu of this place is caviar. Caviar - unfertilized fish eggs. This is real delicacy all over the world and the reason why it is so expensive is that caviar is very difficult to get. Caviar should be served cold and fresh. The best word to describe the taste of caviar is ocean, slightly salty and smelling of fish.

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