Amazing photos - positive and sad, which will help you learn a little more about the world (25 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
16 November 2022

The world is amazing and multifaceted, as if woven from a multitude of events, feelings, souls that are woven into a single canvas. Some - touching, funny and sad moments captured in the photo, help to better understand and feel the spirit of bygone eras.

Babies who lost their parents during the Vietnam War are shipped to the United States for adoption, 1975

Olive Ann Oatman (1837 - 1903) - a girl with a tattoo, abducted by Indians and lived in a tribe for several years

A giant stingray is a real sea devil, photographed on August 26, 1933

Beerfall in Detroit during Prohibition

Forced defence: the baby stroller common in London during World War II

Walter Yeoh is a British sailor and the first person in history to have plastic surgery in 1917.

A group of girls are engaged in kickboxing on the roof of a high-rise building, 30s

The guardsman, who poured out feelings during the ceremony of celebrating the birthday of the Queen of England

An ordinary house, an ordinary family, and a nuclear “mushroom” grows outside the window

The sunset of the airship era: the crash of the Hindenburg, 1937

Berlin, Soviet soldier, Victory, Hitler is already part of history, 1945

Fidel Castro and Che Guevara fishing

Tourists lining the Sphinx for a commemorative photo, 1850s

Ahead is salvation, behind is an erupting volcano

And it could have been so: probable types of Hitler's disguise

The Beatles are still together. One of the last shots of the group, August 22, 1969

It's time to go home: a German soldier returned after the war and prison, 1946

When you need to peel a lot of onions: a military trick

Loyalty as it is: dog Leo on the grave of the owner

The Korean War divided many families

Coronation of Elizabeth, 1953

High-altitude balloon "USSR-1", 1933

The liberation of Auschwitz prisoners by Russian soldiers, January 27, 1945

Flight without a shadow of a doubt, 50s

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