In the US, the police came up with a kind way to help shelter animals (7 photos)

Category: Animals
16 November 2022

Unfortunately, many animals end up on the streets or in shelters, and shelters, in turn, need the help of ordinary people. Police officers in the US state of Indiana came up with one way to help homeless cats in your town.

Police officers from the American town of Muncie came up with a very a useful way to help the local cat shelter. They allowed drivers to pay car fines with donations to the shelter. That eat instead of paying the fine as usual, drivers can compensate it with cat food, other necessary for the shelter things, or directly transfer the money to the shelter. However, if not the opportunity to take donations to the shelter, the police themselves can pick up and drop them off.

The local MACS shelter is now taking care of 350 cats, and the staff is not cope with the load - often they do not have enough food, materials and means for the maintenance of all pussies, and care for them. Thanks to cooperation with the police, their affairs went much better. people this idea also inspired - they constantly bring food and necessary things instead of standard payment of fines.

Although this is a "temporary action", the shelter staff have already received many donations - not only from drivers with fines, but also from ordinary residents who learned about the shelter. Now there are a lot of food supplies, and that's enough for a long time. This is such a small but very good deed!

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