Video with a cow from Zhlobin conquered social networks

Category: Video, Animal world
28 October 2022

A video of a Belarusian cow crossing the street on a zebra has taken TikTok by storm. It was viewed more than 5.4 million times in a day. Everything is fine on it - the behavior of the animal, the attentiveness of the drivers and the love of the hostess for her cow.

When exactly this video was filmed is not clear, but judging by the comments, everything is happening in Zhlobin. The footage shows a cow standing next to a pedestrian crossing. Drivers notice it and slow down.

According to the author of the video, every day one of the local women takes her cow out to pasture. When the animal wants to go home, it comes to the pedestrian crossing and calls the mistress. And without it, it doesn't go anywhere.

“Today she stood for seven minutes. How smart is the animal, says the author of the video.

A little later, the hostess appears in the frame. She approaches the cow, and together they walk home. And you can also see how a woman kisses a hesitant cow along the way.

There is so much cuteness in this video that it is not only actively watched, but also commented on. For a day under the post there are already more than five and a half thousand comments. Moreover, from people from different countries. “I wanted to get myself a cow,” wrote one of the wearers. “Probably her milk is delicious,” suggested the second. “I almost cried, thinking that they wouldn’t let her through,” complained a third.

A lot of kind words got in the comments and drivers. “Well done, we don’t even stop people like that,” one of the girls wrote.

And, of course, people were joking. “This is a new development of photofixation,” some suggested. Cow Cop, said others. Someone was interested in where this cow can be bought, and someone suggested using her example to explain to children how to behave correctly on the road.

“The video should be sent to the kindergarten in order to [show children that] even animals do not cross the road without adults,” one user noted.

28 October 2022
1 434 comments
Объясните корове, что нельзя стоять на краю пешеходного перехода, если нет намерения переходить - это вводит в заблуждение других участников ПДД
28 October 2022
4 003 comments
Я сам всегда очкую, когда на трассе или рядом эти скудоумные существа. Хз что они могут отчебучить.
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