Why can't the Titanic be lifted? (13 photos)

Category: Ships, Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
23 October 2022

The Titanic was once the largest ship in the world, but sailing could not last long: his first and only journey began on the tenth April 1912 and ended four days later. The tragedy happened in night from 14 to 15 April 1912.

At least 1,496 people died in the sinking of the Titanic, making it one of the largest disasters in the world.

On the ship were the richest people in the world, as well as migrants from Ireland, Great Britain and Scandinavia, who sailed to the USA in search of a better life.

Titanic was built with the latest technology with high safety standards, but due to the lax requirements of the boat on the ship could accommodate only 1178 people, which was half as much the number of people on the Titanic. Here is an interesting fact about construction ship: it took five people to put one rivet - the work was just hellish: one person glowed a rivet in an oven, which then inserted into the hole where two people held the rivet on one side, while on the opposite side two others beat it with hammers. From impacts, the rivet glowed, which allowed the sheets of metal to hold on. together. It took 4 minutes to work with one rivet, but in 1912 during the construction of the Titanic, the workers had to cope with the same task in 20 seconds, deadlines were running out, and only very strong guys this was within our power, and there were as many as 3 million such rivets on the Titanic.

The ship set off from the English Southampton, then proceeded to France and Ireland, from where he kept his way to America. But soon the journey was interrupted due to a collision with an iceberg. It led to damage to the ship, and the ship began to sink. For two and a half hours the ship was under water. The sinking of the Titanic shook the world only because of the huge number of victims, but also because of the mistakes that were made during the disaster itself.

The investigation began both in the United States and in England, was provided a list of changes that have been made to the standards safety on the ship. The wreckage of the Titanic has since rested at the bottom. ocean, but in September 1985 they were found in the Atlantic Ocean on depth of 3784 m. Thanks to this, many valuable items. Now these exhibits are in museums around the world.

Titanic Museum

Quite possibly, the Titanic is the most famous ship of all time. history: the memory of him is still alive thanks to many films, books, songs and exhibitions dedicated to the liner. But although the history of the Titanic known to everyone, there is something that almost no one knows about. Maiden voyage the ship was under threat: strikes began in England, miners demanded higher wages. But what does this have to do with the Titanic? The fact, that there was simply not enough coal for the ship’s furnaces, because coal stopped mining. Tickets for the ship cost a lot of money, and almost all were sold out. People handed over tickets to other ships in order to purchase tickets for the Titanic, which was later destined to carry many lives. The cheapest ticket cost 2 pounds sterling, which is modern money is about 86 dollars. Interesting fact: a large part of the tickets sold just cost 2 pounds - these were tickets third class, they made up the bulk of the proceeds, because almost any a hard worker could afford to buy a ticket. And the price of the most expensive ticket for the Titanic when converted to modern money was 30 thousand dollars. The ship's management realized that it was impossible to cancel the voyage under no circumstances so that people don't have to return them money, because part of the profit from the sale of tickets went to the purchase of all coal, what was in the country and also with the ships that canceled their flights due to shortage of passengers who preferred the Titanic.

Last survivor of the Titanic

The last surviving passenger on the Titanic died in 2009. at the age of 97 years. Her name was Melvina Dean when the ship sank, she was only two and a half months old: she was the smallest passenger Titanic. The girl traveled with her parents and brother. Her family sold all property in England and withwanted to open a tobacco shop in America, but her father died on the Titanic, and the remaining family members were forced to return to England.

Dishonored Japanese. Masa Bumi Hosono was the only Japanese in the Titanic. He was a government official of the Japanese Ministry transport. As the ship began to sink, the man climbed into one of the lifeboats for children and women. After that his shame on all of Japan. When the story was made public, Hosono lost work in his own country, he was condemned by all his compatriots. shame was so big that when the movie Titanic came out, the Japanese family published a letter of apology for her relative, although he had already died long ago.

But there were also heroes on the Titanic. On the ship was Mexican MP, Manuel, who was returning from a trip to Paris. During the crash, the Mexican gave up his seat to a woman who told him that her husband and son were waiting for her in New York. The only thing about asked Manuel that the woman should come to his wife and tell him about the last minutes of her husband's life, who died the same night. survivor woman met his wife in 1924, 12 years after tragedy. She later admitted that at the time of the crash she had no husband, no children.

The sinking of the Titanic was predicted. 14 years before the tragedy Morgan Robertson wrote the novel Futility, or the Crash of the Titan. Book tells about the largest ship of that time, which collided with iceberg in the north atlantic ocean cold april at night. The ship in the novel was called Titan, and even on the cover was very looks like the Titanic. Many wondered if it was just coincidence or prediction.

For more than 30 years, a group of scientists have studied materials about the wreck of the Titanic and at the end of 2016 they made a sensational statement. It turned out that the cause of the crash was not only an iceberg, and The disaster was destined to happen for various reasons. It turned out that before setting off, an event occurred that played an important role during the tragedy. A couple of days before the departure of the Titanic, in one of compartments there was a fire, and the captain of the ship was well aware of this fact, and decided to deal with the problem himself, because the reputation was at stake the largest and most beautiful liner of those times. The team put out the fire on their own for several days, and when the Titanic arrived at the shore, he was turned the other side, so that passengers do not see soot and charred paint, because traces of soot were very clearly visible on different photographs, but at that time no one attached importance the incident that happened. The ship was operational and appeared to be All right. Because of the fire, the temperature inside the compartment reached 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. The metal of the ship lost its elasticity and became fragile. If that fire hadn't happened, the collision with the iceberg wouldn't have happened. would have caused such damage, but, unfortunately, the blow fell on the most weakness.

Have you ever wondered why the Titanic is still at the bottom of the ocean? Many of those who failed to escape were far from poor people, and they accustomed to traveling without taking far away the luxury items that used to. Safes and holds allocated to first class passengers were chock-full of jewels and expensive things.

They talked about raising the ship to the surface almost immediately after the plane crashed. Relatives of the drowned millionaires are pragmatic people, so there is no need to delay this issue become. But even despite the fact that enough was allocated for this venture money, it turned out that it was impossible to raise the Titanic from the bottom. And it was absolutely not in finance or technical equipment, which at the beginning of the 20 century was far from being as perfect as it is today. At that moment not even the exact coordinates of the location of the Titanic were known. Of course, now it seems strange, but it is worth remembering that the liner sank in the middle of a vast expanse of water, and not in a narrow strait or shallow pool. In addition, despite the fact that the radio operators dictated exact coordinates during the transmission of the distress signal, the ship was drifting all the while slowly sinking. And he could move in any direction. The search was further complicated by the fact that, broken into two parts of the hull reached the bottom in different places.

While search expeditions were trying to find the Titanic, specially assembled teams came up with ways towho can help lift the liner from the bottom. It was proposed to use submarines with electromagnets attached to them, the same electromagnets with pontoons tied to them, which would raise the hull of the liner to surface. Perhaps something would have been invented, but the First world war, then World War II, so that the rise of the Titanic had to be postponed. Nobody was interested in the Titanic until 1953. Then British a ship-lifting company carried out a series of deep-seated explosions in that area in order to map the seabed in that area. The map was made, "Titanic" not found.

The ship was found only in 1985. Surprisingly, he was good condition due to high pressure at depth and lack of Sveta. In the place where the ship sank, there were a huge number of marine inhabitants, thanks to which the process of corrosion slowed down. Anyway, a couple of years ago, everything changed a lot when bacteria began to destroy ship. It is surprising that no one knew about such bacteria before. Yes, that's right: a previously unknown species of bacteria devours the Titanic, from which soon there will be nothing left. This is why the Titanic can no longer be lifted...

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