15 customs from other countries that shocked travelers (16 photos)

18 October 2022

Getting out of your comfort zone is always part of the journey. AT in this post you will read interesting opinions of tourists, what is for them in different countries turned out to be a culture shock.


Small towns have incredibly clean streets. The whole point is that local residents cleaning the house, do not leave attention to the adjacent public area.


It is not customary here to talk to the waiter about anything other than order. And it is also very difficult to get used to the Spanish siesta. My friend told me that all shops and businesses are closed because it is time "time to take a nap", I did not immediately believe it!

New Zealand

In this country, people go barefoot everywhere. In shopping centers, in public transport, just down the street.


Canada has long distances. Therefore, in order to simply buy groceries, people make a two-hour trip. And to get to the next province, it takes at least ten hours.


In India, you can often see men holding hands. But they are not gay, it's just a custom.


Here it is considered impolite to immediately agree to the offered tea or coffee. It is necessary to accept the offer at least the second time. But this most common among the elderly.


A Balinese funeral is more like a festive procession. Musicians play cheerful music and carry all sorts of goodies on trays.

San Francisco, California

There are a lot of homeless people in San Francisco. Not to mention the amount of garbage and sewage on the ground. Where are the authorities looking?


In Bangladesh, my girlfriend and I drove past the station and saw people climbed onto the roof of the train due to lack of seats in the cars, some were in business suits. It was a real discovery.

Latin America

In many Latin American countries, it is not possible to throw away toilet toilet paper. The trash cans are overflowing, and this is in the suffocating heat.


India shocked me to the core. Delhi is a city where people literally sleeping in the dirt next to the mansions. The Taj Mahal is very beautiful and perhaps the most luxurious artificial structure that I have ever seen on earth, but it is surrounded by the saddest poverty that one can imagine introduce.


It is not possible to make an appointment in Chile. "Tomorrow" means next week. "Next week" means "never."


Indonesia has incredibly spontaneous people. They immediately ask personal questions. They want to know why you don't have children or a husband. And why are you fat or advised to cut their hair.


There are too many people in China, and in big cities they are used to fighting for a place in the sun. There are a lot of rude and aggressive people here.


In Malaysia, I was persecuted for wearing shorts. And some even managed to throw a stone.

1 comment
Гість qweqwe
Гість qweqwe
20 October 2022
У невеликих містах надзвичайно чисті вулиці. Вся справа в тому, що місцеві жителі прибираючи в будинку, не залишають увагою та прилеглу громадську територію.

ця хуйня щоб ви знали в законодавсті прописана (як мінімум нашої неньки)
при совку прибирали не тільки свої двори а й місто
в кожному нормальному селі так роблять (спробуй не зроби то будеш як лох)
попривикали що всі вам винні

афффтор піздячи тему навіть не сильно старається відмінки міняти
в тому і прикол чому деякі теми тупорилі
бо вони не під нашого глядача
а про якогось європендрика офісного
який за роботою обмежений у світогляді
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