The fishermen caught the "herring king" - a harbinger of the end of the world (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nature
17 October 2022

An alarming message is published by MK, with reference to the New York Post. Fishermen in Mexico reportedly caught a rare deep-sea fish legends being the "fish of Doomsday".

The length of the world's largest bony fish, which is Herring king, can reach 17 meters. According to legend, she is a harbinger of the end of the world, the newspaper writes.

Superstitions associated with this fish come from Japanese folk mythmaking. Feeling the seismic activity of the Earth, the Herring King rises from the depths before tsunamis and earthquakes and thus portends disaster.

Giant sea creature lives in the depths of the ocean 300-1000m, differs in addition to its enormous length in that, unlike most other fish, the Herring swims in a standing upright position and rises to the surface only in a number of rare cases.

Its head is crowned with a kind of "crown", and it often swims not far from the shoals of herring. Hence its name.

Although, it might work. It's not the first time they've been caught...

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