A selection of videos with prisoners and those killed in Ukraine. Issue 68

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
12 February 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions catch or kill invaders. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet. Not recommended for viewing by faint of heart people.

Buryat and his commander with unusual clothes

I didn’t intend to fight, but for some reason I ended up captured

The Ukrainian Armed Forces captured Russian marines of the 155th brigade in the Ugledar area

The Far Eastern Wagnerites tearfully swear that they did not kill anyone

I was sent, I came

Young, Muscovite, but who Putin is doesn’t know

St. Petersburg intelligentsia spotted at the front

Review of demobilized orcs near Kremennaya

An orc with a shell shock was captured

Another masterpiece story about the adventures of the occupiers in Ukraine

Vladimir Kurilov from Primorsky Krai, born in 1994, came from Vladivostok to Volnovakha, then to Ugledar.

Why he came - it’s unclear what he forgot here - it’s unclear. In Ugledar, he and his colleagues were given the task of holding the road near the city.

On January 27, two Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen ran up to the garage where the occupiers were hiding and began to pull on the doors. Andrey Popov, call sign “POP,” took a grenade and a machine gun, started shooting at the door, then threw the grenade. It didn’t hit the door, but exploded in front of him, scattering everyone in the room. As a result, “POP” is “200” and 3 people are “300”. They requested evacuation - they were told that it was not possible to come yet, they say, “hang in there, all the best.”

Two days later, on January 29, shooting began near the house, the occupants opened fire. When they heard the command to put down their weapons, raise their hands up and go out one at a time, they did just that.

Another HIV-infected mobik

Recently, there have been more people infected with the virus in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces


Conscious HIV-infected people taking medications are absolutely safe!

The same cannot be said about the Russian occupiers. Treatment is largely unavailable to them. Cases of sexual violence are common among the occupiers. They are not conscious individuals. In addition, many of them are prisoners. This is why they can be dangerous!

Pack of prisoners

DPR pensioner

A field dotted with occupiers

Bakhmut and heaps of dead Russian soldiers...

PTSD makes itself felt quickly

Orcs, after a “happy” return to pedation, do not enjoy life or freedom for long. PTSD quickly makes itself felt ;) especially in a country where “soldiers don’t need psychologists”

The Russian mobik has returned home. He used explosives that he brought with him from the war

The lucky occupier received qualified medical care

And now he will also switch to a stable three meals a day and sleep in a warm place.

I wanted to make money on the deaths of Ukrainians, but I ended up being captured

Want some easy money? It wasn't here

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