A selection of videos of missile attacks and shelling in Ukraine. Issue 35

15 September 2022

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Something is burning in Russia again

This time it caught fire in Murmansk Monchegorsk. The fire occurred in the workshop of a mining and metallurgical company.

Video from the site of the missile attack on the Karachunovsky reservoir in Krivoy Rog

We publish these images only after they have been distributed by large racist public pages.

The sound of one of the explosions in Krivoy Rog was caught on video

Krivoy Rog. The boat station is going under water, some crossings across the Ingulets are simply carried away by the current

The water level in the Ingulets River in Krivoy Rog has risen by about 2-3 meters. The river begins to flood private houses of local residents

Local publics report that air defense is operating in Kerch

8 racist missiles landed in Krivoy Rog

The blow came to hydraulic structures. All necessary services are available on site. There were no casualties among the civilian population.

Collapse is brewing in the city after missile attacks on Krivoy Rog

The water level in the Ingulets River is rising sharply, people are buying drinking water in markets, as water comes out of the taps in a thin trickle. Previously, the pumping station was damaged due to a missile attack. In some areas of the city, water and communications were lost.

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