An Aeroflot Boeing crashed in Perm (9 photos) + (10 photos)

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
16 September 2008

In Russia, on the outskirts of Perm, an Aeroflot Boeing 737 plane, en route Moscow-Perm (flight 821), with 83 passengers and five crew members on board, crashed.

“According to the latest data, the Boeing crashed into a ravine, that is, outside the city. There were 82 passengers on board the plane, plus a child and five crew members. According to preliminary data, all of them died,” said Vladimir Markin, a representative of the Investigative Committee at the Russian Prosecutor’s Office.

Contact with the plane was lost at 03:10 Moscow time (02:10 Kyiv time). The wreckage of the plane was found on the outskirts of Perm in a deserted area, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

Sources in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations suggest that the pilots who flew the Boeing 737-500, which crashed in Perm this night, tried to divert the plane from residential areas located several tens of meters from the crash site

“Analyzing preliminary information about the last minutes of the plane’s flight, it can be assumed that the pilots, seeing the residential areas of Perm below them, tried to steer the falling car away from them,” a source in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations told RIA Novosti.

It was previously reported that before disappearing from radar, the plane sharply gained altitude.

Let us remind you that the Boeing 737-500 took off from Sheremetyevo Airport at 01:12 Moscow time. Communication with the pilots was lost at 03:10 Moscow time. Half an hour later the airliner crashed to the ground.

The fall actually occurred within the city of Perm, in its southwestern part, in the Industrial district.

The plane exploded as it fell. Burning debris fell onto an undeveloped area. When the plane crashed, it damaged a section of the Trans-Siberian Railway passing through the city.

Rescuers have already found one of the black boxes at the crash site.

According to official data, 88 people, 82 passengers and 6 crew members, died in the disaster. Among the dead were 21 foreigners, including five citizens of Ukraine.

Investigative authorities are considering about ten versions of the crash of the Boeing 737 plane in Perm.

According to Ekho Moskvy, among them are the human factor and technical malfunctions.

However, the head of the Ural Transport Prosecutor's Office, Pavel Kukushkin, did not specify whether the version of a terrorist attack was being considered. According to the prosecutor, the found flight recorders from the crashed Boeing will be delivered on the next flight to Moscow. The black boxes are severely deformed, but not burnt.

Aeroflot has opened a hotline for relatives of those killed in the disaster in Perm: Anyone who wants to find out detailed information can call 8 342 2949848.

The crash of a Boeing 737-500 in Perm early on Sunday, September 14, became the worst air disaster in Russia since August 2006, when a Tu-154 passenger plane flying from Anapa to St. Petersburg crashed 45 kilometers from Donetsk while trying to avoid a thunderstorm. front. Then 160 passengers and 10 crew members died. The plane flying Moscow-Perm took off from Sheremetyevo Airport at 01:12 Moscow time, and two and a half hours later crashed to the ground in the southwestern part of Perm. As it fell, the plane exploded, covering everything around with burning debris. There were 88 people on board the passenger plane, among them the former commander of the North Caucasus Military District, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Gennady Troshev. In addition, according to Aeroflot, there were 5 citizens of Ukraine, 9 of Azerbaijan, and one each of France, Switzerland, Latvia, Germany, Turkey, and Italy on board the Boeing.

The plane crash in Perm was the worst air disaster in Russia since August 2006. There were seven children on board the Boeing that crashed in Perm.

The Boeing 737-500 plane took off from Sheremetyevo airport at 1.12 Moscow time. Communication with the pilots was lost at 3:10 Moscow time. Half an hour later the airliner crashed to the ground. All 88 people on board were killed.



The Boeing 737-500 plane took off from Sheremetyevo airport at 01.12 Moscow time. Communication with the pilots was lost at 03:10 Moscow time. Half an hour later the airliner crashed to the ground. The fall actually occurred within the city of Perm, in its southwestern part, in the Industrial district. The plane exploded as it fell. Burning debris fell onto an undeveloped area. When the plane crashed, it damaged a section of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

“Three people who bought tickets for the tragic flight 821 Moscow-Perm did not board the plane. A total of 84 tickets were purchased, but 81 people were registered, including five children under 12 years old, one child under two years old, as well as 6 members crew,” said the agency’s interlocutor.



In the list of the dead, number 81 is Troshev General Gennady 03/14/47

Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation since February 2003; Colonel General; born March 14, 1947 in Berlin (Germany)


Added new photos from the scene

Photos of eyewitnesses from the site

Place of fall:

Eyewitness accounts:

Hotline numbers

List of dead

Abdullaev Raffig 06/20/60

Afonasenkov 04/09/84

Alexandrova Ekaterina 02/01/70

Atlan Eric

Azizov Mammadali 03/14/58

Badirov Anvar 12/26/51

Beresneva Olga 08/02/83

Birlovskaya Natalya 03/12/71

Bolotov Vladislav 06/16/62

Bryukhanova Lyudmila 03/13/59

Demenev Oleg 07/26/67

Efremov Dmitry 03/24/73

Fang Fang 08/30/82

Golomonzin Mikhail

Golub Vadim 06/21/72

Ignatiev Alexander 04/18/71

Ivanova Olga 08/03/74

Izhboldin Sergey 10/22/71

Jalalov Akif 09/18/49

Karakulov Sergey 06/29/77

Kachapuridze Vladimir 05/12/76

Kochak Levent Nuri 10/30/54

Kuzmichev Oleg 05/04/72

Kuznetsova Yana 06/17/99

Kutmanov Ilya 06/27/73

Lapteva Svetlana 04/19/79

Lozinsky Vladimir 02/24/72

Lyzov Alexander 07/03/81

Lyzova Maria 02/19/84

Maksimenko Yulia

Safonova Maria 05/23/85

Martinazzo Tomaso

Medvedev Maxim 01/14/76

Medvedeva Guzel 04.10.73

Medvedeva Tatyana 01/09/68

Mirzaeva Nurida 01/10/86

Mishko Peter 06/10/83

Nakhumov Ifraim 10/16/72

Nakhumov Golda 03/09/84

Nakhumov Ilya 05/08/01

Nakhumova Eva 03.11.03

Noskova Elizaveta 06/12/51

Novozhilov Sergey 06/17/72

Nikulin Vadim 04.10.74

Oparin Alexey 05/31/80

Osmanov Tagi 06/09/94

Petrova Olga 06/14/61

Plesser Maxim 06/18/82

Pogodin Vladimir 07/05/51

Polygalov Dmitry 03.11.54

Popov Nikolay 09/11/75

Popova M. 06/10/85

Redkin Vadim

Safiev Ismagil 02/13/76

Sankin Evgeniy 06/15/58

Sankina Lyudmila 09/25/55

Senkevich Sergey 02/17/81

Sevastyanova Ksenia 01/23/86

Shabanov Agil 01/02/67

Shambereva Olga 08/26/75

Shleikova Elena 03.11.70

Simonova Galina 10/26/75

Sobek Christian 04/15/73

Solodnikova Elena

Spivak Alexander 06/27/02

Spivak Anna 06/03/76

Spivak Yakov 07/28/76

Svetlakova Irina 08/18/84

Tarasova Marina 07/21/62

Tarasova Yana 12/31/81

Taymetov Babir 07/25/82

Trofimov Alexander 06/27/63

Ustinova Sofia 01/13/80

Yashmanov Oleg 02/09/67

Yashmanov Semyon 07/30/04

Yudin Sergey 05/03/67

Yudina Valeria 06.06.05

Yugas Lyudmila 12/08/57

Zalazaeva Olga 11/22/80

Chetyrkina Elena

Troshev Gennady 03/14/47

Crew members 6 people:

1. Commander - Medvedev Rodion Mikhailovich

2. 2nd pilot – Allaberdin Rustam Rafailovich

Flight attendants:

3. Shirokov A.D.

4. Noritsina T.V.

5. Yakovleva A.Yu.

6. Kuchma O.V.

From the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Photos from the scene

1 comment
26 January 2010
Я когда-то жил в 5 минутах от этого места, зимой с классом катались на лыжах там где рухнул самолет. Сейчас там памятник стоит, что-то вроде часовни и родственики приезжали на годовщину посадили деревья.
Пермь - глухомань, стала просто опасным для жизни городом, почитайте сводки за последние 1,5 года в интернете.
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