Secrets of popular tricks (14 photos)

25 December 2017

We all understand perfectly well that the tricks that illusionists show us are not magic at all, but sleight of hand and skillful use of special props. Next, we suggest you learn the secrets of the most popular tricks.


The assistant lies on a board that is supported by a metal rod. The magician stands concealing the rod, so where he stands determines how well the trick is performed.

Sawing in half

Before cutting, a person simply tightens his legs, and instead of his feet, the viewer sees a dummy.

Zigzag girl

This trick largely depends on the skill of the assistant. The main task is to position yourself in the cramped space of the closet so that the face, hand and foot maintain the natural position of an upright person

Another option for levitation

In this case, the illusionist does not hide the support behind himself. He stands on the opposite side and passes the hoop over the assistant to the very support and back.

Levitation of street magicians

It's all about a cunning design: the magician sits on a narrow platform, the base of which is a massive stand with a metal pipe disguised as a staff.

Sawing in half-2

Classic trick. The viewer has no idea that the second assistant hid in the box.

Michael Jackson's Focus

This famous dance move is much easier than you thought. The tilt of the straight body at an acute angle of 45 degrees was achieved thanks to boots with specially shaped heels and pegs on the surface of the stage.

Disappearance of the Statue of Liberty

David Copperfield performed this trick in 1983. At the appointed moment, the autonomous lighting of the statue turned off. Only 2 spotlights remained working on the island, crossing behind the towers, and spotlights on the towers, blinding the spectators.

Saw illusion

This trick also requires two flexible assistants.

Levitation of Criss Angel

For such levitation, Chris used a hidden support.


This guillotine is very real. Even the blade is sharp, but during the fall it is stopped by special blocks, which save the person from decapitation.

Map through glass

What is the trick: the spectator chooses a card from the magician's deck, remembers it and puts it into the deck. The magician fails to identify the same card, and he throws the deck into the glass. All cards fall except the chosen one, which sticks to the glass. The assistant stood behind the glass and the spectator all this time; he saw the chosen card, took the same one from his deck and stuck it on at the right moment.

Walking on water

It's all about small plexiglass platforms that the illusionist steps on.

Catching a bullet with your teeth

This trick requires blank bullets or squibs that explode inside the weapon. The illusionist only needs to hide the real bullet in his mouth in advance.

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