Cats that try to imitate people

16 October 2017

Oh, these little brothers of ours! How much is dedicated to them, how much was invented for them. A whole field of medicine appeared for them, so that you could cure your four-legged friend. Cats and dogs inspired sculptors, the ancient Egyptians worshiped them, poems and songs were written about them, films and cartoons were made.

You could say that man put these animals on the same level of development with himself. These animals not only gratefully accepted all this attention and love, but also imperceptibly and very cleverly demanded even more.

This is what they are by their nature, these cats. As different as people are, so different are cats. Watch how they behave. When a cat is alone, it behaves differently, but as soon as another one of these animals appears, there is no trace left of the previous behavior pattern.

There are many videos where people impersonate cats, there is even a whole musical about cats with the same name. Cats decided to give people a full answer. What they do not do to prove to us, people, that they are no worse, and in some cases even better.

You will be treated to a sea of ​​positive emotions, laughter and good mood. You will certainly want to share this video with your close friends. It is incredible what these imposing and cute creatures are capable of.

It turns out that they, like humans, can walk on two legs. You will also see that they know how to say hello and wash floors, and if they are hungry, opening the refrigerator for cats is not the slightest difficulty.

1 comment
17 October 2017
Да коты они такие, пытаются подражать своим хозяивам и перенимают их привычки. Первый раз увидел как кот ходит на передних лапах, скорей всего это какой-то дресерованный кот. В целом видео интересное, есть над чем посмеятся.
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