This woman became the mother of octuplets 8 years ago

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
11 October 2017

Do you remember this woman who in 2009 became the mother of wonderful octuplets? Did you know that at that time she already had six children? This is how she and the kids live now!

Natalie Sultan became a real heroine in 2009. All of America was delighted that the woman gave birth to absolutely healthy 8 twins!

Initially, Natalie underwent a course of artificial insemination, where Dr. Kamrwa implanted 12 embryos into the woman, instead of the prescribed 2-3. Later he was deprived of his license, but fortunately both Natalie and the children survived and were healthy.

At the time of the birth of the babies, Natalie was divorced alone with 6 children in her arms.

The octuplets' names are Noah, Mali, Isaiah, Nariah, John, Makai, Josiah and Jeremiah.

Natalie’s heroine can be called a mother not only because she was able to bear and give birth to so many children, but because she refused any help from the public, studied at night school and was able to independently provide for her family/

“I know I can support them all when I finish school. If I just sat on the couch and watched TV without doing anything to give my children a better future, that would be selfish,” she explained.

Natalie appeared on television several times for financial gain, and also signed a contract for her own reality show. Unfortunately, the show never aired.

How amazing it must be to watch these wonderful octuplets grow before your eyes!

The octuplets recently celebrated their eighth birthday. Looks like they had a lot of fun!

They spent the day eating vegetarian pizza, pie and playing on the playground.

It looks like they celebrated the holiday really fun!

Now Natalie lives with her fourteen children in a small three-bedroom house in the suburbs of Los Angeles.

Raising fourteen children is a big challenge for Natalie. But when the children grew up a little and became more responsible, it became easier for the woman to cope with them.

Not to mention, they no longer have to change diapers.

It’s great that this truly large family is happy and everything is fine with these beautiful children!

Мама 4-х детей
Мама 4-х детей
14 October 2017
Какая молодец женщина! Сама растит столько детей! Все красивые чистые воспитанные!
15 October 2017
Девушку зовут Надя Сулейман, а не Натали Султан.
15 October 2017
Ну во первых она не Натали,а Надя.А во вторых из 8 детей у неё 4 или 5 детей были инвалидами
17 October 2017
Ну кто пишет такие бред-статьи?
во-первых: она Надя Сулейман. во-вторых: она не работала и тем более не училась, жила на пособие детское и пособие по безработице, вроде даже и мать (бабушка) ей помогала. но самое главное она в порнухе снималась буэээ crying
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