Traveling in a second-class sleeping car in Japan

3 September 2017

As a rule, the modern average person associates Japanese railways with high-speed trains that deliver passengers to their destination in a matter of hours. But in the Land of the Rising Sun you can also find a couple of night trains. The reserved seat carriages will definitely surprise our compatriots.

Night trains Sunrise Izumo/Seto operate on the Tokyo-Izumo and Tokyo-Takamatsu routes. They offer three classes:

I class – single-seat “Deluxe” compartment;
II class – single or double compartment;
III class - nobinobi (analogous to our reserved seat).

The Japanese reserved seat consists of two levels with flat, hard surfaces, separated only by small wooden walls near the windows. The length of a separate seat is 220 centimeters.

A single compartment (single deluxe) resembles a separate comfortable room. Passengers are offered, in addition to a bed, a table with a chair, a TV and a control panel for air conditioning and light brightness. This suite includes a bathrobe, slippers and a bag with toiletries. Lying on your back, you can admire the starry sky through the curved window.

Passengers traveling in 2nd class have a slightly simpler service, but they also travel separately from the rest.

By the way, each carriage has a paid shower. After payment, water is served within 6 minutes. The timer is counting down. At the end of the water procedures, you must press the disinfection button.

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