Having changed his body, he changed himself: a homeless man stopped eating fast food and started a new life (14 photos)

Category: Sports, PEGI 0+
6 January 2017

Michael BETTIS, 32, ate only McDonald's and TacoBell every day. A homeless man who consumed 10,000 calories a day, ate one fast food, and gained more than 140 kg. A former Detroit mechanic said he came close to suicide after becoming homeless. He was able to turn his life around after moving to Florida and has now found love and happiness.

While homeless, Michael Bettis had trouble keeping his weight under control - he ballooned to 23 stone (more than 146kg). He ate 10,000 calories a day. But the 32-year-old man managed to get his life back on track, claiming that a healthy lifestyle helped him cure all his depression and find love.

Before he lost weight: Mike (pictured here in 2007) ate 10,000 calories a day

Michael Bettis, from Detroit, Michigan, became homeless in 2003 after his parents kicked him out of their home. He could not accept himself and his own life, and at some point his unhealthy lifestyle got out of control.

Mike posted this photo of his incredible transformation on Instagram in August 2016

But in 2007, he began to have heart problems, which was accompanied by depression. Michael was able to look at himself from the outside and begin to change his habits and life in general. He lost 63 kg and changed completely.

Mike with his girlfriend Andrea, whom he met after moving to Florida

“I quit smoking, cut down on drinking and started cooking my own food. I stopped eating fast food, drinking beer and started taking care of myself.”

New life: sports and training

“I was a difficult child and I left home. I was 18 at the time, and lived in my car for a few months, and then my friends let me crash on the couch."

Depressed and suicidal, Mike was desperate when a friend suggested he move to California to work with him at a welding company. Mike managed to get to his feet.

"I now weigh 189lbs (85.7 kg)."

Now he says he has turned the leaf and learned self-control.

He said: "I found the strength to go to college - I'm a completely different person now. I know I don't want to go back to my old life and I don't want people to bully me about my weight. you feel better when you look better - now they smile at me instead of looking away."

Mike also noticed that the reception of women had changed and he was now receiving female attention for the first time in his life. Then, in late 2015, he met Andrea, a speech therapist, through Tinder. She also shares his love for fitness and healthy eating. Together, the couple posts fitness videos on their Instagram @obesetoabeast to motivate others.

6 January 2017
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и что? как бабочка ...
9 January 2017
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