Mesmerizing macro photos (74 photos)

15 June 2011

Here are a variety of photographs taken using an electron microscope. The photographs were nominated for the International Macro Photography Competition, launched by Nikon.

1. Shaving cream and water.

2. Seven-day-old fry.

3. Mouse brain cells.

4. Lichen.

5. Human stem cells.

6. Rotifer.

7. Pacific smallmouth scales.

8. Base of fish scales.

9. Gray cast iron.

10. Salamander in the egg.

11. Neurons.

12. Tardigrade in different positions while moving.

13. Mouth opening of a sea urchin.

14. Primrose pollen grains.

15. Woodlice larva.

16. Guppy fish embryo.

17. Jurassic dinosaur bone.

18. Bundles of actin - the protein of muscle fibers.

19. Fern leaf.

20. Hydras are attached to the thick film that covers the eggs of the salamander.

21. A drop of rain on a butterfly’s wing.

22. A very polished piece of agate.

23. Head of a fly larva.

24. Pine bark.

25. Lily of the valley.

26. Unicellular.

27. CD case.

28. Front leg of a swimming beetle.

29. Vitamin C crystals.

30. Zooplankton.

31. Fertilized fish eggs.

32. The surface of a soybean leaf infected with a fungus.

33. Surface of moth wings.

34. Pattern on soap film.

35. Snowflake.

36. Squid embryos, which are 5 days old.

37. Chloroplasts in algae tissue.

38. Mouse embryo.

39. Setae of a polychaete worm.

40. Thin polystyrene film with water droplets.

41. A drop of sea water with zooplankton and a sewing needle.

42. Poppy bud.

43. Spider egg.

44. Freshwater leech.

45. Quartz.

46. Mouse intestines.

47. Rat retina with astrocytes and blood vessels.

48. Green algae.

49. Surface of a moth's wing.

50. The pupil of a freshwater shrimp.

51. The simplest.

52. Liquid crystals.

53. Villi on the surface of the mouse intestine.

54. A mixture of oil, water and surfactant.

55. Carrot seeds.

56. Fish scales.

57. Vitamin A crystals.

58. Carpet fibers.

59. Seaweed.

60. Grapes.

61. Clothes Velcro.

62. Lobster larvae.

63. Crystals of ascorbic acid and sucrose.

64. Head of a tapeworm.

65. Fragment of the wing of an ant queen.

66. Flies caught by sundew.

67. Nematode worm.

68. Copper surface.

69. Snowflake.

70. Wing of the Madagascar moon moth.

71. Stained mouse brain tissue.

72. Ascorbic acid.

73. Twisted larvae in eggs.

74. Finch testicle.

26 June 2011
Это МИКРОфото
30 December 2011
надеюсь ни одно животное не пострадало.... recourse
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