Top 10 best tanks in the world (11 photos)

Category: Army, Weapon, PEGI 0+
14 April 2011

The American TV channel Military Channel published a ranking of the best tanks. American and British experts made assessments based on five parameters: “firepower”, “quality of armor” (security), “agility” (mobility), “ease of production” and the so-called “intimidation factor” (psychological impact on the enemy). The sum of points for all parameters gave the overall rating of the tank. It is stipulated that each tank was compared with others and evaluated based on the technical requirements of its time.

10. Sherman (USA)

First released: 1942
Maximum speed: 39 km/h
Cruising range: 160 km
Armor thickness: 62 mm
Main weapon: 75mm fast cannon

The model scored few points in the firepower and armor categories. But its eight-cylinder engine from the Ford plant is efficient and reliable, so the tank benefits from mobility. However, the M-4 Sherman earned 10th place in the ranking mainly due to its ease of production. Over three years, 48 thousand of these machines were produced.

9.Merkava (Israel)

First released: 1977
Maximum speed: 55 km/h
Power reserve: 500 km
Armor thickness: classified
Main weapon: 120mm cannon

The Merkava's armor is impenetrable, and this is the highest score in the corresponding category (however, it was considered so before the war with Hezbollah, in which Soviet and Russian ATGMs easily penetrated its armor). But a large amount of armor interferes with speed and violates the weight-to-power ratio, which makes the Israeli gun significantly inferior in mobility. The device of this model is complex, it is expensive, which is also the reason for the low rating in the category. However, the tank is very effective in battle, and strong firepower and a high intimidation factor guarantee it 9th place in the ranking.

8. T-54/55 (USSR)

First released: 1948
Maximum speed: 50 km/h
Power reserve: 400 km
Armor thickness: 203 mm
Main weapon: 100mm D10T cannon

The T-54/55 scores average in terms of "firepower", "mobility" and "armor". A total of 95 thousand units were produced, which is why the model receives top marks for “ease of production.” However, the "intimidation factor" is below average. It was worth fearing them only because there were so many of them, experts say.

7. Challenger (England)

First released: 1982
Maximum speed: 60 km/h
Power reserve: 550 km
Armor thickness: classified
Main weapon: 120mm rifled gun

The Challenger gets high points for its top-notch armor and maximum points for its firepower. In terms of the degree of destruction, the rifled gun is a record holder. This car has a low "intimidation factor" - it is an impressive model, but there are already enough of them in the world.

6. Pz IV (Germany)

First released: 1937
Maximum speed: 40 km/h
Cruising range: 208 km
Armor thickness: 50 mm
Main weapon: 75 mm cannon

The Mk IV scores average for "mobility" and scores high for "protection" and "firepower." But this model is disappointing in terms of ease of production. The Mk IV is a complex, high-tech machine and, like all German models, it had difficulties with mass production. However, the “intimidation factor” is extremely high: in the first days of World War II it was impossible to resist it.

5. "Centurion" (England)

First released: 1945
Maximum speed: 35 km/h
Power reserve: 200 km
Armor thickness: 17-152 mm
Main weapon: 105 mm cannon

The Centurion scores average in "mobility" but tops in "firepower". Its armor has proven its reliability, so the tank is also close to the highest score in this category. It was also awarded points in "ease of production" for its simple design and availability: it was produced in large quantities.

4. WWI (England)

First released in 1917
Maximum speed: 6.5 km/h
Cruising range: 35 km
Armor thickness: 6-12 mm
Main weapon: two six-foot cannons

In fact, the WWI's armor is thin, but for that time it was the only armor-protected weapon in the battle, so the tank became a leader due to this category, and not due to mobility or firepower. It was difficult to produce the weapon, since at that time it was a product of the highest technology. But the “intimidation factor” is significant—nothing like this has been seen in a war before, which is why it takes an honorable fourth place in the ranking.

3. "Tiger" (Germany)

First released in 1942.
Maximum speed: 37 km/h
Power reserve: 200 km
Armor thickness: 100 mm
Main weapon: 88 mm cannon

The Tiger gets top marks in the firepower category: 88 millimeters seemed monstrous during the Second World War. In terms of security, it approaches the highest rating. This tank was unusually heavy, but its speed was sufficient to earn an average rating for speed. However, the Tiger gets a result close to zero points for “production”. But it has a high number of points in the “intimidation factor” - the mere mention of this weapon had a depressing effect on the enemy.

2. M-1 Abrams (USA)

First released in 1983.
Maximum speed: 70 km/h
Power reserve: 475 km.
Armor thickness: classified
Main weapon: 120mm M256 cannon

The M-1 received top marks for "firepower" and "security" - in these parameters it surpasses all modern tanks. However, in the "production" rating it received low scores - it is an extremely complex and expensive design. It is also possible that this is the deadliest tank to date, according to the Military Channel, and received the highest score for “intimidation factor.”

1. T-34 (USSR)

First released in 1940.
Maximum speed: about 55 km/h
Cruising range: 430 km
Armor thickness: 65 mm
Main weapon: 76.2 mm cannon

The T-34 received near perfect marks for firepower, mobility and protection. In addition, this model is the easiest to make, so it received maximum points in the ease of manufacture category. However, the “intimidation factor” also turned out to be practically unattainable - the tank alone sowed terror and panic among the enemies.

14 April 2011
Уже б решились елки - Т-34 или Т-34-85 (на первом фото с 85мм пушкой). Хотя эти обе машины были для своего периода опасными противниками.
14 April 2011
1 615 comments
Вот раньше времена были. Только услышали о приходе наших танках - уже усирались. Была гонка за вооружениями. Было страшно, но было интересно, шёл прогресс.

А теперь страны соревнуются только в ядерном оружии - у кого его больше. И в системах ПВО. Но при любых ударах ядерным оружием, США и Россия не пострадают - у них очень мощные ПВО по всему миру. Соотвественно, пострадают только другие страны.
14 April 2011
бредовый топ , как можно сравнивать танки разных времен и классификаций?!
15 April 2011
5 450 comments
zak_, как говорится, для тех кто в танке)))
"При этом оговаривается, что каждый танк сравнивался с другими и оценивался, исходя из технических требований своего времени."
15 April 2011
1 664 comments
А мне пост понравился... )
15 April 2011
Ништяк. Сейчас W.o.T. расставляет все по своим местам )
15 April 2011
Удивительно, что американские и британские эксперты признали лучшим советский танк - на них это очень не похоже!
15 April 2011
а т-90 где??
15 April 2011
2 367 comments
Бредовый ТОП! T-34, базара нет, но вот M-1 Abrams, здесь я в корне не согласен, в передней части практически не пробиваем но сбоку из РПГ как два пальца. Лучший танк современности LEOPARD 2!!!
21 April 2011
А я бы поставил на первое место Pz 4 (неверно названный Мк 4),так как именно этот образец бронетехники и нес основную нагрузку на обоих фронтах (и это не считая северной Африки) ! К тому же стоил в 2 раза дешевле "Тигра", а по бронепробиваемости (после 1943 года), когда его оснастили длинноствольной 75мм пушкой (у "Пантеры", Pz 5, была аналогичная) ненамного уступал тому же "Тигру". Что же касается веса, ремонтопригодности, запаса хода, ассортимента боеприпасов, скорости...
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