Весь мир наблюдает за бегемотиком, который родился раньше срока (11 фото)
Категория: Животные
9 февраля 2017

Бегемотик по имени Фиона родился недоношенным в конце января. Так как животное появилось на свет на 6 недель раньше положенного срока, оно требует особого ухода.

Our two-day-old baby hippo, born six week early, is hanging in there. Her care team continues to give her 24-hour attention, which includes tube-feedings, vet checks and keeping her warm and moist. She is gaining some strength. This morning she got her first pool experience. Most hippos are born in the water, but they can’t actually swim. Pool time will help her build muscles and balance and maintain an optimal body temperature of 96-98 degrees. See the full video at cincinnatizoo.org. #cincinnati #closeenoughtocare #hippo #cincinnatizoo #TeamFiona
A video posted by Cincinnati Zoo (@cincinnatizoo) on
Ветеринары наблюдают за Фионой круглосуточно, делая ей множество процедур. Так, смотрители кладут животное себе на грудь, чтобы обеспечить ему нормальное дыхание.

Состояние бегемотика постепенно улучшилось, так как он стал больше есть и начал набирать вес. За успехами сотрудников зоопарка в Цинциннати и их питомца следят в инстаграме 94 тысячи пользователей.

И еще несколько милейших видео
The four-day-old hippo that was born six weeks early is making progress toward standing. She has gained almost four pounds since birth but is still about twenty pounds under the low end of a normal birth weight for a Nile hippo. Nursery and animal care staff are with the calf 24 hours a day providing warmth, nourishment and opportunities to exercise. They are making sure she gets plenty of rest and packing awake time with activities that will stimulate muscles and build strength. She is starting to support her weight for a few seconds at a time. See the full video at cincinnatizoo.org (link in bio) #hippo #closeenoughtocare #cincinnati #cincinnatizoo #TeamFiona
A video posted by Cincinnati Zoo (@cincinnatizoo) on
Fiona was up 1.7 pounds at this morning’s weigh in and is doing well with bottle feedings. She gets pool exercise 2-3 times per day to help her build strength and get the hang of diving, floating and breathing! A low dose of supplemental oxygen helps her premature lungs function properly. #closeenoughtocare #cincinnatizoo #cincinnati #teamfiona #hippo
A video posted by Cincinnati Zoo (@cincinnatizoo) on