68 тысяч географических карт от Стэнфордского университета (20 фото)
26 мая 2016
A map of the wondrous isle of Manhattan, 1926.

Air France. Lucien Boucher. Printed in France - Perceval, Paris, 1953.

The Famous Wonderground Map of London Town, 1927.

Russiae, Moscoviae Et Tartariae, 1570.

Universale Descrittione Di Tutta la Terra Conosciuta Fin Qui, 1568.

Le Jeu du Monde (Game of the World), 1645.

Leonis Belgici, 1611.

Plate 2: Cetus, Aquarius, Andromeda, 1693.

Cape Cod : Barnstable County Massachusetts, 1931.

The Air Ocean, 1944.

Imago Romanii Imperii, 1721.

Map of Hollywood, 1928.

The Country Bus-Services Map, London and Vicinity, 1928.

Generalnaia karta Rossiiskoi Imperii, 1745.

Peter's San Francisco Locator. The Birds-Eye-View Map of the Exposition City, 1914.

Islandia (Iceland), 1600.

Typus Orbis Terrarum, 1612.

La Sphere, 1787.

Asia noviter delineata, 1665.

Africa, 1842.

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